Following my inquiry in MMD 140603 about control lever labels for
an early Duo-Art upright, I heard from both Alan Mueller and Bill
Chapman, with essentially the same information: the labels I thought
were missing were, in fact, never installed. Alan even sent a scan
of an original Aeolian "Users Manual" illustration that confirms
that the two labels I have are all there are.
Upon a closer look at the piano in question, what I thought were
brad holes for the missing left label were just small blemishes in
the finish. I had not closely looked at the right-hand area (the
Temponamic control) where I now see there is no evidence at all for
a label having been mounted. Alan's manual goes to great length to
describe the operation of the non-missing labels, but Aeolian, is its
wisdom, apparently chose not to label those levers as they did the
The only mystery now is the difference in the font styles: block
vs. drop-shadow. The scanned illustration is not of sufficient detail
to see if both fonts are, or should be the same. Bill, perhaps you can
look at the instrument you referenced to see if there is a difference.
John Grant