FS: 65-note Piano Rolls in Adelaide, Australia
By John Phillips
Hello MMD. I have just had a 'phone call from British PPG member
Keith Reedman. He is in Adelaide, visiting his son, and has come
across an elderly lady who has a box of 65-note rolls that she is
planning to send to the dump. She would happily give them to someone
who can use them, but is unable to pack them up and cart them to the
post office -- she is 88 years old.
I'm guessing that there are a few readers of MMD in South Australia
who might be interested in retrieving them. Keith says that they look
to be in reasonable condition, but he hasn't examined them carefully.
Keith will be back in the U.K. by May 10th, and can be contacted via
email at kei@sky.comth.reedman. During our conversation I omitted to
find out the lady's address; however, he said that she lives in an
Adelaide suburb.
John Phillips
Hobart, Tasmania
(Message sent Tue 6 May 2014, 02:24:49 GMT, from time zone GMT+1000.) |