Hi, I'm not looking to spam the list, I just thought it might be of
interest to those who work with the small 15-, 20- and 30-note punched
paper strip music boxes: there is now a desktop version available of
'Music Box Composer', an app that was formerly only available on iOS
and Android tablets and phones. More information can be found here:
To the top-right of that page is a link to a library of playable online
strips, quite a number of them very kindly supplied by Hans-Martin
Meyer-Georges. They can be played via the online web-player (somewhat
confusingly the web player simulates a cylinder based player, but the
app is indeed about the paper strip versions ) or downloaded to the
app itself for editing if the person who posted the strip tagged it as
'editable' (most if not all in the library currently are editable).
Instructions for downloading via URL are linked on the above page.
The software is not free, but it can be downloaded for Windows, OSX
and Linux and has a trial mode which doesn't restrict downloading and
playing the online library strips through the app itself.
Grant Adam (the developer of music box composer)