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MMD > Archives > February 2014 > 2014.02.04 > 03Prev  Next

"The Midnight Fire Alarm" for Carousel Organ
By Matthew Caulfield

Here is my exchange of emails with Evan Mower, which explains why he
thought he heard "Midnight Fire Alarm" on the Lincoln Park Wurlitzer
165 band organ.

MC: Evan, I enjoyed your remembrance of the Wurlitzer 165 that played
at Lincoln Park.  But "Midnight Fire Alarm" was never issued on a 165
roll, so you couldn't have heard that tune on any 165 band organ.  As
Robbie Rhodes said in his addition to your message, the band organ
escaped the Lincoln Park torching because the organ was off the
carousel when the kids set fire to the carousel.  It was in the shop
being worked on.

EM: Aloha Matthew!  I was sure I had a 78 with it!  Maybe it wasn't
from Lincoln Park.  Or maybe confusion is setting in.  Or was there
another band organ at Lincoln Park? ...

MC: No matter how many band organs there were at whatever park, you
never heard "Midnight Fire Alarm" on a Wurlitzer 165 roll, because
it was never arranged for a 165 roll.

EM: I finally thought it out.  I think I was confusing "Triumphant
Banner" with "Midnight Fire Alarm."  Does that make sense?

MC: Yes, it makes sense.  You can hear "The Triumphant Banner" played
on a Wurlitzer 165 band organ here on my Wurlitzer roll web site: 

It is on roll 6502.  Just click on the link after that tune title.

Matthew Caulfield
Irondequoit, New York

(Message sent Tue 4 Feb 2014, 17:26:30 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Alarm, Carousel, Fire, Midnight, Organ

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