[ Ref. 131219 MMDigest, Gears Grind When Shifting To Play Mode ]
Steve, Regarding your post to MMD, did you get any answers that solved
your problem? I have a somewhat similar situation with the roll frame
(possibly from an Autotypist) on my calliope. The difference is I
can't get mine to go out of rewind and into replay quickly and reliably
on the first try. It's like something is "locking" it in rewind most
of the time when a roll is on it, but not when switching "manually"
without a roll in place.
It is similar to your problem in that it works perfectly fine and
quickly each and every time without a roll on it, but not when a roll
is used. Like you I've checked and adjusted the brakes, even taking
them off one at a time, and checked and lubricated all reasonable
places. I've also adjusted springs, but when "freeing" it up by hand
when it won't work, it seems to be really get stuck.
I thought maybe the teeth of the gears were binding, but that does not
seem to be the case. Like you, I thought it had something to do with
extra momentum of the roll, but sure can't figure out why, or how to
fix it. Please let me know if you get this figured out.
Larry Claus