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MMD > Archives > December 2013 > 2013.12.17 > 02Prev  Next

Liquid Rubber Coating for Player Pneumatics
By Bill Maguire

I am a player piano technician in the New York metro area, where there
are _lots of_ player pianos.  Some of my biggest problems are getting
people to invest money in their player pianos and also they call me
a week before Christmas to tell me their player piano _must_ be working
for their _huge_ Christmas party and I have no time to recover a set
of striker pneumatics or air motor pneumatics or bottom bellows and

I also have many senior citizen customers on "fixed incomes."  Some
are in their late 80s or 90s and don't have much time left among high
medical bills, debt, etc.; they just want me to "nurse" the player
piano so she plays as long as they can enjoy it.

I watched the commercial for "Flex Seal"; they claimed it was "liquid
rubber in a can."  I bought some "Flex Seal" and experimented with it
on all thicknesses of stiff and leaky bellows cloth in my shop and
waited several months before making a decision whether to use the stuff
on customers' instruments.

To my pleasant surprise, it worked!  Not only did it seal all
thicknesses of pneumatic and bellows cloth but it also made bellows
much less stiff.  (Yes, recovering with new cloth is superior "quality
wise".)  When I _do_ use "Flex Seal" my customers understand that I am
using a cost-effective approach and looking to save them money, as
opposed to best way to do the job, which is recovering and rebuilding.

Don't take _my_ word for it, experiment first for yourself; "seeing is
believing."  "Flex Seal" may badly stain your clothing or a customer's
rug unless you take precautions.  So far "Flex Seal" has made me a "hero"
in three instances this month.  I have several other player piano service
calls before Christmas so this number could jump.

Bill Maguire
New York City Metro Area

 [ "Flex Seal" liquid rubber spray coating is widely advertised and
 [ distributed by Swift Response LLC, 2690 Weston Rd., Suite 200,
 [ Weston, FL 33331.  It is sold by Walgreen's and Wal-Mart and other
 [ stores.  -- Robbie

(Message sent Wed 18 Dec 2013, 02:36:09 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Coating, Liquid, Player, Pneumatics, Rubber

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