I make my own plywood in small pieces when necessary. It is not so
difficult, but size limitations and patience are important. The
largest piece I've made is about six feet long and eight inches wide,
curved to the requirement.
It's pretty easy to make pieces about 16" square. I used West System
epoxy and 1/16" thick Honduras mahogany veneers. I laminate flat stock
against glass, decent plywood, or anything handy. I clamp with lots of
C-clamps, bricks, lead ingots, again whatever is suitable and handy.
It is much easier to buy good stuff, but not always possible.
Douglas S. Heckrotte
Philadelphia, PA
[ Douglas sent in pictures of his work, but they were attachments on
[ this message, which is a no-no. To submit pictures, use the link
[ to the CONTACT form on the bottom of EVERY page on the MMD Website.
[ --Relief Editor.
[ When the contact form is used for upload, at the bottom of the message
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[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Contact
[ Here's what shows up, ready to be used by the editor:
[ Homemade plywood under construction
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/13/12/16/131216_094336_2008-09-10%20Thwart%20004.jpg
[ Rudder assembled from homemade plywood
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/13/12/16/131216_094336_2012-02-05%20FD%20Rudders%20001.jpg
[ Boat using homemade plywood components
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Attachments/13/12/16/131216_094336_2013-08-16%20Sailing%20FD%20023.jpg