I second the motion of Art Reblitz that Colorado is indeed dry and
hard on pianos being moved there from a moister climate. I sold a
player to an acquaintance of a friend of mine who moved from eastern
Nebraska to Longmont, Colorado. I soon got a call that the player
had stopped working.
To honor my warranty of standing behind my work, I drove 500 miles
out there to discover the glue in the plywood on the pumps and reserves
of this Standard Action piano had dried out and the wood had become
completely delaminated. After a trip to the local lumber store for
new 3/4-inch plywood, I constructed new pump and reserve bellows to
get the player going again.
So, after this experience, I would agree that added humidity control
in a Colorado piano room is vital if you want to keep the wood in your
piano healthy.
Larry Schuette - The Player Piano Man
Raymond, Nebraska