What information is available on a modern player piano with the name
"National Piano Company" on it? In photos it appears to be a regular
pneumatic player in a console/studio size piano. Is there any
information as to what type of stack it might have? How are they
considered in quality?
Gary Shipe
[ I believe the modern National player piano was a predecessor of the
[ Universal player piano. Wayne Johnston and Diane DeTar wrote that
[ Universal Player Piano Company, "owned by Donald Barr, was in
[ business from 1970 to 1984. They used a Kohler and Campbell piano
[ which was fitted with a Universal player unit made in Los Angeles.
[ They also went under the names Universal National, American Universal,
[ Diamond Jim, Florabelle, Gay Nineties and Roaring Twenties." Ref.
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Archives/Digests/199801/1998.01.12.10.html
[ -- Robbie