Hello, I found your great site on the Internet, sorry for my English.
My question is as follows: I have a Duo-Art player piano but the box
which switches off and on the note holes under the Duo-Art expression
holes (the first and last four notes on the tracker bar) is missing.
How works this box? Is it easy to make it at home? I found no
information about this part. I mean this one shown at
Best regards,
László Simon
[ See also http://www.musicrolls.com/duo-art/d-a16-17.jpg
[ The handwritten note at the bottom right says, "Some models --
[ like Steck Duo-Art -- have no nipples to which to attach the 8 notes
[ (4 treble, 4 bass) of the piano at the tracker bar. Likewise, the
[ stack is eighty notes. The dynamic box is there so the occasional
[ non-expression rolls that play those notes won't activate the
[ expression."
[ Could someone please explain this statement to Laszlo? Where can he
[ find plans to construct the missing pouch switch units? -- Robbie