I was attracted to this subject since I am attracted to both the
music and the cars. Personally, I have two mechanical music
instruments and two classic vehicles, a 1975 GMC Pierce fire truck
and a 1952 International Harvester pickup truck. And here is the
connection between the two "hobbies": on the back of the IH pickup
is a circus wagon structure containing a 43-note calliope. This
combination circus truck was built by Mike Hanchett in the early
1990s. I believe it was the only truck he modified, although he
built many more calliopes.
I live in Albuquerque and the car clubs and enthusiasts greatly
outnumber the mechanical music lovers. I know of only a few other
mechanical music types in the entire state of New Mexico -- and
hundreds of car lovers. I have noted however, that when a person can
afford to have a large collection of mechanical musical instruments,
they almost always have some old cars as well! (The reverse of this
often does not apply -- car collectors tend to stick to cars only.)
Richard Price
Albuquerque, New Mexico