What are the dates for the AMICA convention 2014?
Dee Kavouras
[ I contacted Shirley and Frank Nix who have been making many of the
[ arrangements for the 2014 convention. They said:
[ "AMICA is holding their 2014 convention in Fresno, California. The
[ dates are May 14-18.
[ It will include visiting some great collections not usually seen, a
[ trip to Yosemite National Park, and a visit to the Underground
[ Gardens, to mention just a few of the thing planned. We promise to
[ keep registrants busy and entertained.
[ More later, but save the dates and plan to attend. You won't be
[ sorry unless you miss it."
[ ---
[ I have seen a promotional video for the convention and I'm going! I
[ think this convention would be a good reason to join AMICA if you've
[ been considering it and are on the fence.
[ I will publish a link to the convention information and the promotional
[ video (slideshow) when it's publicly available --Jody