Repairing a Head Turning Singing Bird Box
By Terence Newberry
Troy Duncan has done a good job on the head turning bird. I have
had the same problem several times but usually excessive Evostick glue
or similar was used, which is easier to clean off than Super Glue.
I even had one bird filled with body filler and no mechanism.
I have repaired many Bruguier boxes and several Rochat boxes over the
years for clients, also I have had to make about three head turning
birds which take about sixty hours to make, plus lots and lots of
patience. The tiny rack and pinion is difficult enough to make but
the tubular pushrods are the most difficult to get correct. The reward
comes when it can be seen working.
The question I always ask myself when working on these fusee boxes is,
how did they do it 160-plus years ago? The answer is they were
very, very clever!
Terence Newberry
(Message sent Wed 24 Jul 2013, 21:31:08 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.) |