I can certainly vouch for the quality of the vacuum pumps mentioned by
Wade Newton. These are made by Eric Bergstrom and are of the highest
quality and very reasonably priced. I'd say they are the very best
available. They are quiet in operation and have more than enough power
for a leaky player.
I fitted one in a Poppers Happy Jazz Band orchestrion which requires
more suction than a standard player, as it contains a full set of
drums. The owner was eager for a quick restoration and didn't want the
box pump restored.
I incorporated another into a piano stool to act as the supply for a
Seybold Hohner Magic Organa with full drum kit. Installed with
acoustic damping, it is silent in operation, even when you are standing
right next to it.
Eric will do a special at a few dollars less if you don't want the
rewind reduced-speed switch. He is very amenable. See his website:
I have found nothing to beat it this side of the pond, even though I
have to operate it through a step-down transformer.
Nicholas Simons
Great Britain