My first post here, hope I'm doing it right! I recently acquired a
Howard nickelodeon, with a Baldwin stack. The roll frame needs some
serious help: the pot metal gears have swollen and fallen apart --
typical of such material.
The piano itself is in pretty good shape, and surprisingly nearly
in tune after likely many years of never being touched. Obviously it
will need a complete rebuild of the player part, but that is pretty
do-able (and much simpler than my Ampico).
I have a machinist who may be able to make the gears, but before
tackling that, I'm wondering what the chances are of finding another
roll frame from a scrapped piano, or a substitute roll frame that would
adapt and fit? Pictures are at
Many thanks for your help and advice!
Rod Rogers
Salina, Kansas
[ The spool frame with the pot metal gears looks like the one in the
[ Tangley Calliaphone, powered by an air motor. It's a good design
[ when (re)fitted with bronze or steel gears. -- Robbie