This post is to report that many Yahoo email account holders, including
me, have had their contacts list hacked. I believe that the hacker has
made finance type offerings to people and these offers purport to come
from me. Please be assured that none of these offers have come from me.
My interest in this web site is for the pursuit of our common interest
in mechanical music. To those members who have received any offensive
material requesting money or offering a 'deal', please accept my
apologies, but I had nothing to do with it.
I did note that many of the email addresses used by the hacker were
somehow unable to receive the hackers email and I got a _huge_ long
list of 'emails that could not be delivered'.
Yahoo advise account holders to change their password, which I have
Regards from
Paul Rumpf
Melbourne, Australia
[ Paul, you are in good company. I have two friends that have had
[ their Yahoo accounts hacked in the last week. There's a lot of that
[ going on right now!
[ There's also a lot of mail being sent with forged "From"
[ addresses with advertising and the like. Some of my friends
[ have reported mail sent to them with my first and last name
[ in the "From" line with a totally bogus from e-mail address.
[ These clearly didn't come from the MMD website or from any
[ of my ISP-based e-mail accounts.
[ Emails are so easy to forge that many ISPs are blocking mail
[ that looks like it MIGHT be forged. Unfortunately, the MMD,
[ with its frequent URL references, falls into that category
[ sometimes. To make matters worse, we discuss the drive
[ belts for our musical machines. References to rubber and
[ leather belting, organs, and URLs to photos makes some
[ robotic inspection make us look like some sort of
[ soft-port site!!! -- Jody