Dear MMDs, We announced recently the passing of Etienne Blyelle in
the MMD. (He was known also as Jacques Antoine E. Horngacher, a family
name he used to sign some articles a long time ago.)
A tribute will be given to him in Geneva on Thursday, February 7th,
at 3 p.m. at the following place :
Foyer du Temple de Chêne-Bougeries
153, route de Chêne, 1224 Chêne-Bougeries, Genève, Switzerland
(Chêne-Bougeries is a suburb SE of Geneva, very near the main city).
Certainly many friends and relations of Etienne will attend.
Our French society AAIMM, of which he was a founding member and a
vice-president, will be represented by its President Jean-Pierre
Arnault, Jean-Marc Lebout, vice-president and editor of our Journal,
and several other members.
If you wish to send a message, you may send it to Jean-Marc Lebout
who will pass it to his family, and/or read it during the ceremony,
according to the possibilities :
Jean-Marc Lebout <> (Please suppress
the suffix ".geentroep" before sending him your message.)
We lost a friend and an irreplaceable expert in the technology and
history of musical boxes.
Kind regards from Paris,
Philippe Rouillé
(vice-president of the AAIMM)
[ Respecting the request of his family, announcement of his death
[ on January 16th, 2013, was delayed until after the cremation on
[ January 28th. The public announcement is now published at
[ -- Robbie