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MMD > Archives > December 2012 > 2012.12.03 > 02Prev  Next

Value of Stella 9" Disc Musical Box
By Nancy Fratti

[ Robert Cruz wrote in 121201 MMDigest:

> What should I pay for a 9" Stella disc?  On discs that have
> corrosion or rust, is there a restoration recommended?  In
> other words, should one have the discs nickel plated or something?

Hi Robert,

(a) eBay is not a good barometer to establish a price from.  No auction
should be used to establish a 'price' that you should pay for anything.

(b) There are _many_ things to look for and ask about when purchasing
any music box, but especially a Stella.  I'll itemize a few:

1) Is it a single or double comb?  You can't see the second comb on
a Stella as it's mounted vertically under the bedplate.  You can see
a base lead if you look past the center spindle, from the left side,
under the bedplate.

2) Are there any broken teeth?  Stellas are prone to having broken
teeth, especially on the top comb.  It has to do with the way the
mechanism was made, which is a whole other story.  There is a guard
rail screwed to the top of the top comb which can hide 1/2 broken
teeth.  You'll have to have a CSI flashlight and look _under_ that
rail to see any broken teeth.

3) Is there "lead disease"?  Is there is any white powder on the comb
leads?  Just a little won't affect the tuning, but a lot will and can
lead to a costly repair.

4) Discs are really hard to find for the 9-inch Stella.  There are
reproductions available from one source, but originals in good shape
are scarce.

5) What is the case style?  A "plain Jane" case won't bring as much
as a more 'decorative' model.

You cannot 'restore' a disc with corrosion.  Stella discs have to be
'pock-free' on the underside.  If they're not, that is the main cause
of tooth breakage.  (Again, it has to do with the way the mechanism is
made.)  If there is tarnish on the underside of the disc, that's okay
and it can be cleaned off, but _any_ corrosion makes the disc not safe
to play.

What should you pay for a 9" Stella?  It depends on the answers to the
above questions!  With a best case scenario of the fancier case, no
lead disease, a double comb and a good number of discs, I'd ballpark
the price between $1000 to 1300.

Nancy Fratti - Nancy Fratti Music Boxes
Canastota, New York, USA 

(Message sent Mon 3 Dec 2012, 15:20:47 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  9, Box, Disc, Musical, Stella, Value

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