A few days ago I was talking with a friend, and we got on the subject
of the best material for re-covering striker pneumatics.
Another friend who is a registered piano technician lent me his
Schaff piano catalog to decide what I wanted to order, and I found
two choices of material: (1) nylon sheeting coated with polyurethane
(touted as "Very Durable"), and (2) cotton cloth bonded with natural
What I am wondering is which is a better material? The nylon is
supposed to be used with PVC-E glue, but I am not familiar with it.
I know that hot hide glue is the "tried and true" method, but I am
wondering if using nylon and PVC-E is a better alternative that lasts
longer, or at least has the same results. Is it possible to use hot
hide glue with nylon, or should I just use cotton cloth?
This is my first player, so I do want it to be done with the best
materials with the highest quality. I politely request that replies
be submitted through the MMD rather than to my personal email. Thanks
in advance!
Clinton Gray
[ Clinton, this is not the last piano you will rebuild, it's only the
[ first, so treat it as your student piece, not as your masterpiece.
[ My advice is to use whatever pneumatic cloth you can get that is
[ airtight, and test it yourself before you apply it to 88 pneumatics.
[ Read about "Quality of Materials & Testing Pneumatic Cloth" at
[ http://www.mmdigest.com/Archives/KWIC/C/cloth.html -- Robbie