Describe this in my own words? No way! I'll quote a bit of a blog
article about it, though:
Meet Stanley, an interactive player piano. Tweet a request
to @StanleyPiano and the song will queue up for performance.
Online, you can watch Stanley play the songs at his (its?)
live debut at the Capitol Hill Block Party, a music festival
that kicks off Friday, July 20 in Seattle, Wash. The account
will tweet at you when your song is up next.
If you surf over to Stanley's web site you can see and hear it yourself
(along with far too much room noise, alas), through the magic of live
A/V streaming:
Unfortunately, Stanley has a painfully short attention span, and often
trails off after playing only a few bars, or at most a theme or two.
I guess that makes it a perfect installation piece for the Twitter
Colin Hinz
[ "Stanley" reminds me of "Irma, The Magic Piano", who entertains
[ at the Magic Castle in Hollywood. -- Robbie