DeBence Museum has about twelve unboxed music rolls that we
cannot identify. They are 10 inches wide, have a hole spacing
of about 0.17 inches [6/inch] (the holes are 0.10 inches wide),
have a cardboard tube inside diameter of 2.5 inches with a drive
key 0.4 inches wide.
They were made by Pianotist Co. of Fifth Ave., New York City, or
Adek Mfg. Co., also of New York. Most rolls have only one song,
a few have two songs. They are made of heavy paper. Can anyone
identify the intended use?
Scotty Greene - DeBence Antique Music World
Franklin, Pennsylvania
[ Maybe they play the Pianotist player piano, see
[ According to an advert in Music Trade Review of 1900, the
[ Pianotist was made by Adek Mfg. Co. of New York City, ref.
[ 59-note rolls for the Adek Pianotist were arranged by
[ William Hartman, see Robert Perry's biographical information
[ at -- Robbie