Howdy All, After many weeks of hard work, technical difficulties,
Murphy's Law and other delays, Pipes of Pan Music Rolls is now up
and running. I will be cutting most of the rolls that Ed Schmidt
no longer has in stock along with compilations of more popular and
recognizable titles and new arrangements.
I am also offering roll sets, the first two being a Stephen Foster
set of two rolls, and a Civil War set of four rolls. Looking through
Ed's data base and an original Celestina roll catalog, I noticed that
other than "Dixie", there were no songs of the Confederacy, so I have
corrected this oversight, with the addition of "Yellow Rose of Texas",
"Goober Peas", "Lorena", and "Good Ol' Rebel". Please check out the
full bill-o-fare at
Brian Thornton - Short Mountain Music Works
Woodbury, Tennessee