I recently acquired a Spanish "organillo" barrel piano but I know
almost nothing about it. It is about 3 feet high and 3 feet wide.
The key frame has a total of 35 hammers: 33 that strike the piano
strings and two hammers on the left (when looking at the piano) for
chimes or flat bells. It has no percussion devices.
A framed label, under glass, has information on it including an address
and phone number, but most importantly says "Organillos San Francisco"
"Antonio Apruzzese". The label has what appears to be a list of 10
tunes. It also has an oval shaped stamp in it that says "Organillos"
and other information I cannot read. Also stamped is the number "318".
I would appreciate any and all information anyone can provide. I also
need help in understanding exactly how it's operated. Obviously turning
the handle rotates the barrel, but I am a bit confused on the other
levers and controls.
Lastly, I see that the note on the far left (closest to the two hammers
that strike the bells) is labeled "D" but beyond that most of the note
markings are missing. Can anyone tell me how to instruct my piano
tech/tuner to properly tune it? It is especially important since the
man I purchased it from had his piano tech put all new strings on it,
but was unsure what to tune it to.
I understand that it is not rare or particularly valuable, but it is
interesting. Any idea as to value? Also, any idea as to how to date it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated and I would certainly appreciate
the opportunity to have a phone conversation about this.
Jeff Adkins
[ The "Museo del Organillo" in Madrid preserves several Apruzzese
[ barrel pianos including one made ca. 1890, called "The Grandfather",
[ that the Apruzzese family brought to Spanish soil from Italy. Ref.
[ http://www.abc.es/hemeroteca/historico-13-06-2006/abc/Madrid/1421987675210.html
[ A history of the Apruzzese family is included in a fine article at
[ http://www.elpais.com/articulo/madrid/MADRID/MADRID_/MUNICIPIO/organillo/centro/verbena/madrilena/elpepiautmad/19830912elpmad_2/Tes
[ -- Robbie