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MMD > Archives > December 2011 > 2011.12.17 > 03Prev  Next

Mildew on Piano Rolls & Boxes
By Jeff Adkins

I know this subject has been covered in the past, but I am seeking
opinions on dealing with mold and mildew on player piano rolls or
boxes.  Is the conventional wisdom to discard any and all rolls
with mildew?  What if it is only on the outer portion of the box?
Is there too great of a risk of spores spreading to a collection?

What about the piano itself?  Does anyone have any stories of the
stack or other components being infested by mold from infected rolls?

I live in a desert climate but I have come across rolls with dried
spores.  I have not put them near my other rolls, but wonder if it
is possible to save them.  On at least some of them, the mold _seems_
to be only on the boxes.

Any suggestions or mitigation ideas would be appreciated.

Jeff Adkins

 [ The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) in Andover,
 [ Massachusetts, publishes articles on this subject, including
 [ a leaflet entitled "Emergency Salvage of Moldy Books and Paper"
 [ that advises:
 [   Avoid "quick and easy" cures: "Quick cures" that you may have
 [   heard about (such as spraying Lysol on objects or cleaning them
 [   with bleach) may cause additional damage to items or be toxic
 [   to people; they are also often ineffective.
 [ Ref.  and
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Sat 17 Dec 2011, 22:06:31 GMT, from time zone GMT-0800.)

Key Words in Subject:  Boxes, Mildew, Piano, Rolls

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