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MMD > Archives > December 2011 > 2011.12.07 > 01Prev  Next

Automata Exhibition at San Francisco Airport
By Steve Ryder

A six-month exhibition of antique automata opened-up just over a week
ago at the International Terminal of San Francisco International
Airport (SFO).  See link here, to the announcement and a slide show: 

The majority of the nineteen automata on display were loaned from
the Murtogh D. Guinness Collection at the Morris Museum, Morristown,
New Jersey, and they are accompanied in the exhibition by video
enhancement, such that the public can see these figures in action.  A
sample of the video, "Automata: Mechanical Wonders of the Nineteenth
Century", can be seen here: 

San Francisco International Airport has a fully accredited,
not-for-profit museum arm, the SFO Museum, staffed with professionals
who organize and maintain their displays in top-notch conditions.
In turn, this event represents a high level of outreach by the Morris
Museum, lending fantastic exposure to the automata: the exhibition is
situated immediately where travelers get on and off the Bay Area Rapid
Transit (BART) system -- nearly 300,000 people per week.

Serving its educational goals, the exhibition is open to ALL visitors,
ticketed and non-ticketed.  This means that anyone in San Francisco
that has the interest to see it is only a short BART ride from the
exhibition.  If you are in the San Francisco area, please take a moment
to see this!

Steve Ryder - AutaMusique, Ltd.

(Message sent Wed 7 Dec 2011, 18:23:18 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  Airport, Automata, Exhibition, Francisco, San

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