I made motor mounts at one time and sold them on eBay along with Ampico
transmission frames. I never was really happy with my motor mounts as
I made them with a rather rough die which I whipped up from scraps. I
was happy with my transmission frames and sold several of them, but
they were not a steady seller. Mine were solid brass and machined very
nicely. It took over three hours to make each one.
I still have the dies for the motor mounts, and I was going to
order the rubber today, when I found out that the rubber is no longer
available pre-dyed black. _IF_ I were to make the motor mounts again,
would anyone mind that they were more of a honey color? They will be
sold only through John Tuttle's Player-Care website. I will also make
new dies to run them, so that they are nicer. I anticipate they would
be available from Player-Care in late January.
Don Teach
Shreveport Music Co.