In the reply to Judy Welkley's question as to why two "A" rolls did
not line up properly on the tracker bar, the relief editor correctly
explained why nickelodeon "A" rolls are not playable on 88-note pianos.
Concerning "A" rolls punched out on different perforating machines,
I have found that some "A" rolls have wider perforations than others.
For example, rolls that I bought from Ed Freyer had perforations that
were not as wide as Play-Rite's, therefore I would have to adjust the
tracker bar to fit the roll.
Judy Welkley was asking if there was some place on her Cremona
nickelodeon that could adjust for the roll not lining up properly.
Well, on my Seeburg there is a knob to the right of the tracker bar
that moves the bar from right to left. I always have to make this
adjustment whenever I switch from Ed Freyer's rolls to Play-Rite's.
Most likely the Cremona nickelodeon also has the capability of
adjusting the tracker bar to line up the holes with the paper roll.
Not being familiar with a Cremona, I can't say where this adjustment
knob is located. With a little investigation, I'm sure that adjustment
knob can be found. Good luck.
George Karpel
Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada
[ Ed Freyer often used the "Clark" label for his recut "A" rolls.
[ -- Robbie