For sale: 1899 Votey/Aeolian organ Opus #871, 2 manuals, 17 stops,
17 ranks, electro-pneumatic action.
This is the oldest extant organ on the Aeolian list. Prior to 1904,
all organs ordered through Aeolian were sub-contracted to the Votey
Organ Company in Detroit. At the time, Robert Votey had set up a
workshop at the Aeolian factory in Garwood, New Jersey, where he
produced his Pianolas.
This organ has a case made of Cuban mahogany, and contains several
beautiful carvings. The ivories are as beautiful as the day they
came out of the factory. The general condition of the organ is very
good, but it would be restored by my company.
The organ has been in my possession for ten years, safely and
professionally packed. It was given to me by the Japanese ambassador
to the United Nations, when he bought the former Vanderbilt/Fabbri
mansion on East 62nd St. in New York City, with the proviso that
I find a suitable home for it.
The player unit is a separate cabinet which operates with foot pedals
to advance the rolls. There are duplicate stop knobs on the player
unit. The stops are operated electrically, with a cable connected to
the junction board in the organ. For those non-purists, a digital
record/playback system may be installed.
Further information can be found at the two following links: under 'Organs for Sale'
Anthony Meloni - Meloni & Farrier Organbuilders
Port Chester, New York, USA
tel.: 1-914-843-4766 [delete ".geentroep" to reply]