A previous writer said he is looking for damper rails for 19-1/2-inch
Polyphon [111006 MMDigest]. Recently I received a disk box that
required two damper rails for an 11-inch Symphonium. I currently
own a 13-7/8-inch model from this manufacturer.
We have developed a cost-effective way of making new damper rails.
I took my damper rails for my 13-7/8 inch machine, tracing the ends
of the damper rail to line up with the screw holes on the 11-inch
machine. We then took and made a plastic replica of the paper
tracing that would fit the 11-inch machine. The next step was to
put the slots in for the dampers themselves in the plastic model.
We then made a rubber mold of the damper holder and cast two rails
in polyurethane with a brass rod for support. The dampers were then
cut and the bend was made on the damper rail with a specially made
pliers borrowed from Robin Biggins.
The dampers were then placed in the slots and held by Magic Glue.
Once installed, they worked perfectly.
I am currently working on two 19-1/2-inch Polyphons and I could
duplicate the damper rails if still needed. Please let me know.
Tony Ciuffini - The Musical Box Doctor
San Pedro, California