Jeff Adkins wrote in 111009 MMDigest:
> The number is also too faint to read, but appears to be either
> 6642 or 6142 or 6042; I am not sure.
Hello, maybe this will help:
6143 = Ich wollt meine Lieb ergösse sich / Duett von Mendelssohn
6042 = Lobe den Herren / Choral / Joach. Neander (= Joachim Neander)
6342 = Lustige Brüder / Jolly Fellows / Waltz
Best regards,
Germar Schrimpf
[ At
[ Op. 63, Six Lieder for voice and piano (1836-1845)
[ No. 1. "Ich wollt' meine Lieb' ergösse sich"
[ A spirited performance of this Mendelssohn duet is found at
[ -- Robbie