[ Ref. 110920 MMDigest, Seek Orchestrelle Organ Repair in Israel ]
To my fellow Orchestrellians who so enthusiastically responded to
my call for help. Nothing would please me more than to have all nine
of you come to Israel and have my organ repaired in four hours. But
I could get only one ticket and I'm sure that you'll all agree that
Ron Schmuck can do a swell job.
All of you are invited to visit the museum if you're in this neck of
the woods. We'll listen to some fine instruments over a glass of wine
in the only museum of its kind in the Middle East.
My sincere thanks to all,
Nisan Cohen - Nisco Museum of Mechanical Music
Ein Hod, Israel
woundup_2000@yahoo.com.geentroep [delete ".geentroep" to reply]