The Piano Technicians Guild did several tuning competitions in the
1990s and there was a pretty even split between the professional
tuners who liked the aural tuning and electronically aided tunings.
An electronic tuning device when used properly is an aid to listening,
not a replacement.
It has been my observation as a tuner/technician since 1974 that most
established and competent tuners do not work for music stores because
music stores are always looking for a discounted price which only the
beginners are willing to give.
It has also been my observation from listening to many of the YouTube
links of restored instruments that tuning is not a priority for many of
the automatic instrument restorers.
Rob Edwardsen, RPT
Pittsford, New York
[ Caution! Few YouTube videos are produced by the restorer; they
[ are produced mostly by proud owners and fans of the instruments.
[ -- Robbie