I couldn't help but chuckle a bit with some of the comments about
foot pump vs. electric pump and MIDI lack of sing-along. I don't think
I've ever seen either a foot pumped grand piano or people leaning over
a grand piano player drawer to try and sing the words.
Claud Cavnar
[ 'Tis true, upright player pianos are more common, but many grand
[ player pianos, both electric and foot-powered, also were sold and
[ they can be enjoyed the same way -- singing along and dancing to the
[ music. I hope you someday can see and play a foot-power grand piano,
[ and I hope you can have the fun of sitting on the bench with pretty
[ girls at your side and singing the words of the song scrolling by in
[ the roll drawer at your knees. I sure did! ;-) -- Robbie