I've been collecting Wurlitzer Pianino roll titles since the 1960s
and have again started collecting new material. During the time
Wurlitzer cut Pianino rolls they produced approximately 1500 different
rolls, both the 5- or 6-tune rolls and the later 10- or 12-tune rolls
for the long roll frame. Early on in the production of the 10-tune
rolls music from the earlier 5-tune rolls were combined to make
10-tune rolls.
I would like to hear from anyone with Pianino rolls, both large and
small, who is willing to contribute roll information. The easiest
method to submit information is with clear digital photos of the roll
labels. If this isn't convenient I'll accept any method that's easy
for you.
I'm also looking for photocopies of Wurlitzer roll catalogs containing
Pianino information, etc. To date I have tune titles on approximately
400 rolls. I already have the roll information covering the recuts
produced by Play-Rite and Valley Forge Music. My plan is to gather as
much information as possible then make it available to everyone.
Thanks in advance.
Dana Johnson
Huntington Beach, Calif.