Some years ago, I remember QRS offering a reward for "Cow Cow Blues"
played by Charles "Cow Cow" Davenport. YouTube has a bunch of his
music, including "Cow Cow Blues" coming off a record that Davenport
made in 1928 for Brunswick.
Just wondering if there is a piano roll or re-cut out there of "Cow Cow
Blues" played by Cow Cow, or any other roll for sale that is played by
Cow Cow Davenport.
Larry Schuette
Raymond, Nebraska
[ The QRS roll is QRS 3865, "Cow Cow Blues", played by composer
[ Charles Davenport (1927). Rob DeLand recut the Vocalstyle rolls,
[ see
[ The Brunswick audio recording played by Davenport is on YouTube
[ at -- Robbie