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MMD > Archives > July 2011 > 2011.07.23 > 08Prev  Next

A Mechanical Music Digest Forum
By Andy Taylor

I vote negative on the idea.  There are too many chances for problems
such as spam bots, flame wars, off-topic posts, invitations to "hot
girl" web sites, and on and on.

Some people do not know how to behave on a forum and spoils it for
everyone.  I used to post in a tractor pulling forum.  Yes, there are
moderators, but they seem to be lax in their duties.  It is so bad now
that you cannot ask the simplest of questions without getting insulted.

Some restoration tips have been posted here that many do not agree
with.  My view is that we all have a brain.  Just because a tip is
posed does not compel nor require us to use it.  But even in the worst
of articles, there is something that is of use.

MMDigest has been around since I've been on-line.  Like anything run
by humans, there will be criticisms and disagreements.  However it has
helped me find many things I was looking for and I have made many good
friends here.  Once it even reunited me with a daughter I had lost all
contact with.  My vote is for "Leave it alone!"

Andy Taylor

(Message sent Sat 23 Jul 2011, 14:30:52 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Digest, Forum, Mechanical, Music

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