I have a somewhat different take on player piano restoration than
George Wilder suggested in 110613 MMDigest. Not all people are
interested only in resale. After all, these instruments are wonderful
for family gatherings, parties, or just about anytime there are people
around, especially young people!
Not all repairs have to be full restorations; I know this will offend
some purists. But the type of problem William Engle reported might not
require too much work to repair. All that is needed is a reasonably
working instrument -- it doesn't have to be perfect to provide a lot
of fun.
And, I think that restorers and player techs should make such repairs,
when requested, as cheaply as possible. Of course, full restorations
are best, and I do not mean to put the few faithful restorers out of
business, but these machines were meant for fun and we should try to
provide as much fun as possible to as many people as possible. This
is part of continuing the tradition and getting more people interested
in mechanical music instruments.
My $0.02 worth.
Richard Price
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA