Hello from France. Here is a video demonstrating our newest creation,
a Piano/Organ/Accordion trio played by a single MIDI file:
The three instruments are controlled by a single MIDI file, which is
stored on a SD card in the organ and wi-fi transmitted to the other
MIDI cards in the piano and accordion. We ourselves made the SD
controller and the MIDI card but not the WIFI transmitter. We don't
know the titles of tunes being played.
Here (for those who read French) is our blog explaining the organ
and for the piano and accordion construction:
We hope you enjoy your visit.
Philippe Cichon
[ You can ignore its 15-second commercial for Bud Light, but do
[ listen to Philippe's video. The second tune is Felix Arndt's
[ 1916 "Nola." I can't quite put my finger on the first tune,
[ although as I listen, the words "... don't ... any more" run
[ through my mind. Someone say what it is, please.
[ --Relief Editor.