Brian Smith brings to our attention some new videos posted on YouTube
which he says is improving the quality of such available to the general
public. I thank him for his observations.
Within the MBSGB we are anxious that the general public and
enthusiasts alike are treated to high quality videos of all forms of
mechanical music. There is a lot of rubbish out there which gives
people the wrong impression of what our beloved instruments are capable
of, but there are some quality instruments and good videos as well.
Recently we have started creating links on the MBSGB web site to
videos posted on YouTube which, we believe, show our instruments
in the best light. All videos linked to the MBSGB web site are of
instruments owned by our members and have been shot specifically for
the purpose. So far, the videos linked range from the smallest musical
box right up to piano orchestrions, with disc boxes and organettes in
between. Of course, all instruments are shown incognito for reasons of
security. We plan to add further instruments to our web site as time
and availability permit.
With all mechanical music societies currently having trouble keeping
up membership numbers, we hope that this exposure to a wide range of
quality instruments will encourage more people to join the hobby.
Nicholas Simons, Correspondence Secretary, MBSGB
[ The "Mchanical Music Videos" page on the MBSGB website is at:
[ --Editor (Jody)