Among my fondest memories of Harvey Roehl was his legendary command
of the English language. He was immensely helpful during my nearly
two decades as MBSI Editor.
Harvey and Marion were among the most gracious people I've had the
pleasure of knowing. The affection they demonstrated for each other
was as endearing as their humor and affection for others.
Earlier this week I was gazing through "A Guidebook of Automatic
Musical Instruments" (1967), by Q. David Bowers, when I came upon
a photograph on page 51 of Mr. Ellsworth Johnson of Spokane, Washington.
Included in the photo caption, referring to a North Tonawanda Pianolin,
is the following:
"This particular instrument originally came from a hoard of over 40
early pianos discovered by Mr. Harvey Roehl in Providence, RI, during
the late 1950s. In the intervening years most pianos from this group
have found new homes with appreciative collectors in all parts of the
United States."
Angelo Rulli
Vadnais Heights, Minnesota