Thank you Robbie and Don for your answering my question on "bird
whistle", singing "bird pipe". What I am looking for are the design
parameters for (what I would prefer to call) a pipe -- a pipe that
could be tuned interactively by a moving piston, as it is in the
well-known singing bird cages or snuff boxes.
The "birdsong" in a baroque organ, produced by "organ pipes plunged
headlong into a water vessel" will not allow the bird to sing a melody,
it can just "twitter".
I am wondering if really nobody did some systematic investigation of
"bird pipes" and published the results. So I think I have to start
with some basic experiments by my own.
If ever I will succeed with the design and later on with the technical
implementation of my "automaton idea", I will report about it.
Regards from Germany,
Christian Greinacher
[ The Popper "Roland" orchestrion featured a slide whistle as you
[ describe; Popper called it a "Swanee Whistle". The position of the
[ sliding piston is calibrated for each note, which assures better
[ pitch intonation than can be achieved by most human musicians!
[ See & hear it playing at
[ A similar orchestrion by Paul Lösche Orchestrionwerke employs
[ a ported follower valve to properly position the slide. It is
[ is described at
[ -- Editor (Robbie)