Thoughts on the glue debate: The debate is healthy, if we stick to
the facts, no pun intended. I think the hide glue vs. RTV adhesive
debate, with people claiming quality work can _only_ be done their
way, has been too polarized. Rather than the "my-way-or-the-highway"
posturing, I would like to see more fact-based, constructive discussion
of tips and tricks, possibilities and pitfalls.
I lean toward traditional, reversible materials but I'm certain there
are new materials that are suitable for certain situations. I'm also
certain many "new and improved" materials have failed miserably in the
past. Caution is in order, but paralysis is not healthy.
I'd like to know more about the long-term durability, creep, etc. Does
the RTV offgas anything that will gum up valves or tubing downstream?
Many folks say RTV prevents future use of hide glue, which is logical.
Can you re-glue with RTV? Hide sticks to old hide, but PVA doesn't
really like to stick to old PVA. I don't know what RTV does on old RTV.
Let's please continue the discussion, the research and the testing. But
lets also remember to tell "newbies" the difference between time-tested
and experimental techniques. Anything newer than 25 years is
experimental, in my book.
Greg Graham, RPT