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MMD > Archives > January 2011 > 2011.01.05 > 01Prev  Next

Meaning of "Lied und Yale" in German Music
By Julian Dyer

I was sorry to see the link to the "keepswinging" blog in this debate
because it gives entirely incorrect details about the music!  Clearly
the writer saw "Ellis" as the composer and, not having a clue as to
the facts, he wrongly allocated it to Seger Ellis.  Such is the joy
of the Internet that it'll be quoted for ever, but let's try getting
it right here.

The composer of "The Yale Blues" is, as I said before, Vivian Ellis.
He was one of the UK's most significant popular composers in his day
-- and he had a long life, 1903 to 1996.  Most of his compositions were
songs for musicals, such as the highly-successful "Mr. Cinders" and
"Bless the Bride".  He also produced 'light music' orchestral pieces
such as "Coronation Scot".

He was a prominent figure in musical circles pretty well up to his
death, notably a long-term director and later President of the
Performing Rights Society (who make sure composers get paid for their
work when it's performed), who promoted a songwriting prize in his

Julian Dyer
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK

(Message sent Wed 5 Jan 2011, 19:14:52 GMT, from time zone GMT.)

Key Words in Subject:  German, Lied, Meaning, Music, und, Yale

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