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MMD > Archives > January 2011 > 2011.01.01 > 04Prev  Next

Wurlitzer Band Organ on "Auction Kings" TV Show
By Ray Finch

I am waiting for Tivo to record a repeat showing of the band organ
episode of "Auction Kings" (next Tuesday).  Should be fun.

I do like "American Pickers" and seeing some of the stuff they find,
but it is obviously very scripted.  I mean, isn't it convenient that:

* Every stop has an interesting item to buy.
* No one ever tells them to "get lost!"  They are welcome everywhere
  they go.
* They make a profit on every item, even when they are not sure they
  will at first.
* No one ever notices the cameras.  Even when they do a "cold call",
  so the customer should have no warning, still no one ever says
  anything about the cameras.
* They complain about having a short budget, and yet they shell out
  $20K for a motorcycle without thinking twice.

And when they are out of state:

* When the secretary calls them, all of the customers who called her
  that day just happen to be in the same area that the two guys are.
* Even when they are three states away, the van never fills up and is
  empty at the start of each episode.

And lastly,

* They get everything on the first take.  There are no bloopers.

I wish my life was that "convenient!"

Ray Finch
Albuquerque, New Mexico

(Message sent Sat 1 Jan 2011, 06:12:29 GMT, from time zone GMT-0700.)

Key Words in Subject:  Auction, Band, Kings, Organ, Show, TV, Wurlitzer

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