Bill Edgerton wrote in yesterday's MMD:
"Back when the Pianocorder was introduced there were push-up
players offered that used the same mechanisms that were installed
directly in some pianos. Has anyone seen one of the push-up
players offered for sale in the past couple of years, or have you
any idea what they are worth now?"
A decade or more ago there was a digital keytop system like this
offered by QRS. I saw a demonstration given by a representative many
years ago, when I was working as a technician for a music store. The
system was crude at best and the expression was lousy. It was also
available with audio accompaniment, and I remember the demonstration
including an awful rendition of "New York, New York." I couldn't wait
until it was over!
Needless to say, the product was unsuccessful, and few were produced.
Another similar system was introduced under the Gulbransen name, but I
don't know who actually produced it. I talked with a good friend who
works for a local dealer, and he said he would look through some old
catalogs. If he finds out what they were called, he will let me know.
Rob Goodale
Las Vegas, NV