The preliminary list of events for COAA, the Carousel Organ Association
of America, for 2011 which appeared in the COAA Magazine, The Carousel
Organ, had an incorrect date for Olcott Beach, and I have been notified
of an additional rally. The updated list follows:
Mid-Winter Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, February 19-20, Contact: Ron
Bopp, phone 918-527-0589. This is a "members only" event with visits
to museums and private collections, but anyone may become a COAA member.
Nunley's Carousel and Aviation Museum, Garden City, New York, (Joint
AMICA/COAA rally), May 7-8, Contact Bob Stuhmer,
Lake Winnie Amusement Park Rally, Chattanooga, TN, May 28-30, Contact
Ron Keisler, Phone 803-356-4545
Olcott Beach Rally, (near Buffalo, New York), July 30-31, Contact:
Dan Wilke, Phone 716-825-7266
Riverside Park Rally, Findlay, OH, September, Contact: Terry Haughawout,
Phone 419-454-3671
Most rally events are open to the general public, but registered
participants often receive "fringe benefits" such as a picnic supper,
park admission, and/or ride tickets. Non-members can register for
Details, including registration forms, will appear on
when available, contact the rally host for more information regarding
a rally.
Wallace Venable