Responding to Tom Hutchinson's Wangerin note in yesterday's MMD, this
is the information I was given about Wangerin:
"Wangerin organ player:
"Roll 11 1/4" wide, spaced 9 to the inch.
1 Blank
2 Chimes
3-11 Combinations
12-15 Blank
16-76 61 playing notes
77 Swell closed
78-86 Swell shades open
87 Blank
88 Rewind
"Wangerin was located in Milwaukee and built good quality organs.
The case of the roll player was defiantly manufactured by Wangerin
as it is the same style as their consoles. Many were installed on
top of consoles. If they were a stand alone, they just added legs
to the unit that was installed on top of the console.
"As for the guts of the unit, it may have been ordered from a
player piano supply house and fitted with their own pneumatic and
contact assembly. I can't say for sure, but that's what it looks
"Wangerin also manufactured parts and in some cases complete organs
for Barton when the Barton factory became too busy to fill their
Craig Williams
Scotts Valley, CA