Hello, In response to Jim Welty's post, I have found almost all
the comments on my YouTube channel to be not only positive, but often
helpful. I was delighted to find yesterday a poster mentioned it was
his first time viewing a player piano on YouTube and that he enjoyed
it very much.
I would advise not to get discouraged by incorrect comments because,
as a YouTube member with a channel, you can simply delete or add
a correction reply to any incorrect comment. You will sometimes find
that any misinformed poster will quickly get negative votes, blocking
the comment from view (unless the YouTube viewer has set their account
to view all posts).
There are certain YouTube members that make it a habit (perhaps an
endeavor) to post hate speech or incendiary remarks on videos. You can
actually block certain members like this from your channel. Some just
want to be "brainiacs" and strut their feathers. Sometimes it doesn't
hurt to post them a message privately or in your channel because even
if you don't get a response it doesn't mean that they didn't receive or
read yours.
The most important thing is the continued posting of well playing,
tuned instruments that many people otherwise wouldn't hear. I keep
hoping one day I'll be able to enter a fine restaurant with a Seeburg
playing, but as of yet no luck.
Another MMDigest discussion a while back mentioned about the lack of
recordings for young people. As one of the "X" generation, I can speak
for myself that from about the age of 12, I sought out this music
(mostly on CD) and now with YouTube many of today's 10- to 12-year-olds
are already on-line and use YouTube regularly, so it's just a matter of
them getting a spark and wanting to learn more.
Happy YouTube'ing!
Erik York - YouTube username: AAErikCO