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MMD > Archives > August 2010 > 2010.08.12 > 05Prev  Next

Wurlitzer Solenoid Player Vacuum Pump Problem
By Skip Downing

I'm working on a Wurlitzer spinet piano with the model 1203 player
mechanism [pneumatic reader & pouch switches operate solenoids].
Everything in the player behaves just fine except the vacuum pump
-- not even a grunt out of it.  So either the pump is blown, or it's
not getting the signal to come on.

Where should I begin diagnosing?  I know I could check to see
if there's power to the pump, but I don't have a circuit tester.
What voltage am I looking at?  Has it been stepped down, or is it
at 110 volts?

If there's no power to the pump, can I hot wire the pump (is it
110-volt) to check its condition?  If there's no power to the pump,
are we now into a circuit board problem?  (The wiring looks to be
in mint condition).  If it's a circuit board, how involved is it for
the electronically illiterate?  Many thanks to anyone who has learned
input on this.

Skip Downing
Lebanon, New Hampshire, USA

(Message sent Thu 12 Aug 2010, 19:05:51 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  Player, Problem, Pump, Solenoid, Vacuum, Wurlitzer

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