I have been following the discussion debating the brand of
instrument installed at the Sutro Baths in San Francisco, and
subsequently I followed the supplied link to read more about this
famous San Francisco landmark.
On one of the pages describing the history of the Cliff House, which
was adjacent to the Sutro Baths, there is a mention of a $10,000 Welte
Orchestrion installed in the Cliff House grill, which opened in 1905.
The article is vague regarding whether the Welte was a new addition
to the Cliff House, or had been in place for a while, although the
inference is that the Welte was a new attraction.
-- The San Francisco Call, Saturday, August 26, 1905 --
The new grill overlooking the sea at the Cliff House will be
opened to-morrow with a concert composed of well selected
numbers on the #10,000 Welte Orchestrion.
Bob Baumbach
[ MMDigest articles about the Cliff House orchestrion are indexed
[ at http://www.mmdigest.com/Archives/KWIC/C/cliff.html -- Robbie